Artificial Intelligence as a Decisive Tool for Obtaining Alimony Benefits

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Roberth Adrián Sanchez-Pintado
Marcel Eugenio Villavicencio-Quinde
José Santiago Sánchez-Zambrano


The objective of the present research work is to establish procedural innovations based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Ecuadorian jurisdiction, in order to fulfill the constitutional principle of procedural expeditiousness. To achieve this, this research begins with a historical mention of legaltech and basic notions about AI, in order to understand the evolution of technology in the service of law. Later on, intelligent systems developed and used by other countries in the field of justice or other legal domains will be analyzed, which will allow for evaluating their scope of application and effectiveness, with the aim of considering the replication or improvement of this technology according to the national judicial system. Finally, some legal-technological reflections are made based on procedural regulations and the capabilities of ICTs, in order to propose the use of autonomous assistive systems as a procedural innovation in obtaining rights to alimony, thus forging a new reality of effectiveness and efficiency within the Ecuadorian administration of justice.  


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How to Cite
Sanchez Pintado, R. ., Villavicencio-Quinde , M. ., & Sánchez-Zambrano , J. . (2023). Artificial Intelligence as a Decisive Tool for Obtaining Alimony Benefits . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(6), 5-22.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Roberth Adrián Sanchez-Pintado , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Regarding my academic status, I am currently a ninth-semester Law student at the Catholic University of Cuenca.  


I hold a B1 English certificate issued by the Language Center of the Catholic University of Cuenca. At present,  


I´m working as an administrative assistant at the Judicial Function. 

Marcel Eugenio Villavicencio-Quinde , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

I'm an Electronic Engineer from the Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador, and I have a Master's degree in Network and Telecommunications Management from the University of the Armed Forces - ESPE.

I've worked on several research projects, with a focus on areas such as personal data protection, evaluating technological risks in IT, information security, implementing good IT governance practices, expert testimony, computer forensics, and data management and backup, among others.

José Santiago Sánchez-Zambrano , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Regarding my academic background, I hold a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree and I am a licensed attorney admitted to practice in the Courts of Justice of the Republic of Ecuador, granted by the State University of Cuenca. I also hold a Master's degree in Legal Consultancy for Companies from the University of Valencia, Spain.

As for my publications, I have conducted research projects titled:

The Situation of Individuals Deprived of Liberty in Ecuador.

Analysis of the Alleged Violation of the Right to Education due to the Lack of Regulation Regarding Study Leaves in the Labor Code.


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