Water quality of the Portoviejo river and its impact on tourism
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Due to their characteristics, water resources generate ecosystem services that benefit society, but all activities that take place in the vicinity of rivers alter the quality of the water, the objective of this research was to analyze the water quality of the Portoviejo river and its influence on tourism, for which water samples were taken at three points of the Portoviejo river in the Santa Ana canton, analyzed in the laboratory of the Center for Quality Control Services of the Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University, A validated questionnaire was applied to 150 tourists to determine the relationship between water quality and contamination of the Portoviejo River, on the other hand, using the Battelle-Columbus methodology, it allowed analyzing the socio-environmental impacts of tourist activity, the results obtained shows that the analysis of nitrates (mg/l) exceeded the maximum permissible limit in the three samples collected, refere Concerning the relationship between pollution and tourism, it is evident that 40% of the respondents state that anthropic influence generates alterations in the quality of the water in the Portoviejo River; 76% of those surveyed alluded that the Portoviejo river presents offensive odors, the analysis of the socio-environmental impact showed that the ecology and human interest categories demonstrated a positive impact, but not the category and aesthetics present negative impacts associated with tourist activities in the canton Santa Ana.
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