Relationship between the Control Index of Corruption and certain economic and social variables

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Verónica Yamileth Quezada-Romero
Josselyn Marlene Honores-Guamán
Bill Jonathan Serrano-Orellana


Corruption is a global problem that has generated increasing interest due to its serious consequences on countries, for this reason, the objective of analyzing the economic and social implications of corruption has been raised. To measure corruption, the Corruption Control Index was used, the variables were selected and the correlation analysis was performed. The results obtained coincide with previous research, which shows that corruption affects various economic and social variables.


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Quezada, V., Honores, J., & Serrano, B. (2020). Relationship between the Control Index of Corruption and certain economic and social variables. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(3), 16-26.


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