Management Strategies Applied in Public Enterprises in the Context of Governance. Case Study E.P. CNEL Manabí

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Sofia del Carmen Torres-Lara
Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez


The purpose of the research was to interpret the management strategies applied in public companies in the context of governance, and whose case study was the Public Company National Electric Corporation – CNEL in the province of Manabí (Ecuador); In the design of the research, this was proposed from a qualitative methodological approach, of inductive method, with a level of descriptive depth, being in turn of non-experimental field, starting from the documentary review as a strategy; on the other hand, the analysis strategy was based on the phases proposed by the Grounded Theory for case studies, as well as the use of the hermeneutic method (analytical-interpretive) in order to give interpretative form to the discourse expressed by the interviewees -academic experts and researchers- through a semi-structured interview, applied in depth mode. Among the findings found are descriptors that give way to a proposal of good managerial praxis, which these descriptors are the product of a categorization process, which are part of the interpretation given by the researchers. Among the main reflections are the need to visualize an intelligent public company, with autonomous governance, capable of thinking from values and social sustainability, all supported by sustainable business strategies. 


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How to Cite
Torres-Lara, S. del C., & Vegas-Meléndez , H. (2023). Management Strategies Applied in Public Enterprises in the Context of Governance. Case Study E.P. CNEL Manabí . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 465-480.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Sofia del Carmen Torres-Lara , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Sofia del Carmen Torres Lara, was born in Ecuador, Manabí province in the city of Portoviejo. 

She has served as a public official in some state institutions, currently works at the National Electricity Corporation CNEL EP, has a third level degree as a Foreign Trade Engineer, Student of the Master's Degree in Public Administration of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Manabí Headquarters. 

This experience motivated the author to carry out this research to provide experience within the decentralized public administration from an interactive, ethical and transparent position for intelligent institutional governance. 

Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Venezuelan, with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Master's in Political Science and Public Administration, PhD in Administrative and Management Sciences, postdoctoral studies in Management and Public Policies. Teacher and Researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Manabí campus. Coordinator of the Master's in Public Administration and Director of Research at PUCEM 


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