Inter-Institutional Governance Conditions in Technical-Economic Cooperation Agreements: Guaranteeing Transparency and Compliance.
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Properly managing technical-economic cooperation agreements is a challenge, which is given by the transparency of the processes and the fulfillment of the objectives. However, it has been notorious that the governance conditions in this type of agreements do not respond to the problems that concern them, where communication is scarce and not very assertive. The present investigation had as objective those competent governance conditions that guarantee efficiency and quality in the provision of services, in addition to identifying the problems derived from ambiguities and seeking alternatives for its improvement, to create structures that are functional and avoid disagreements in the conventions. The research was carried out from the qualitative perspective, which allowed revealing quality information through the interviews. A non-experimental approach was used, and a cross-sectional temporality was used for the study. The sampling design was based on convenience, where a structured interview was applied to the legal representatives of both entities and a caregiver of a CDI, which was analyzed using the Straus and Corbin grounded theory model, resulting in a suitable technique. for the interpretation of information and the use of the MAXQDA software. As a result, 3 categories were obtained that represented significant problems between the entities. A COSO model was finalized with the proposal to reduce institutional deficiencies, corruption, and conflicts of interest, as well as the improvement of evaluation and liquidation processes, transparency, ethics, and good practices in agreements.
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