Inglés de Negocios Internacionales Didactic Strategy for the Formation of Linguo-Cultural Competence in International Business English
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This research work ventures into the teaching-learning of English for specific purposes, with a focus on language teaching in which all decisions, both content and method, are based on the reasons and needs of the student, alluding to the international business careers, today recognized as business English. What currently makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of a didactic strategy, based on a model of the formation of linguo-cultural competence, from the teaching-learning of English. The significance of this research lies in the fact that the conversion of English into a lingua franca has raised the urgent demand to learn to communicate in English, to carry out procedures, transactions at a national and international level, which allows implementing strategies that lead to the internationalization of the organizations. To achieve the quality of this work, exploration methods and techniques are emphasized, the same ones that were applied through interviews, surveys, direct observations, the analysis of the products of the composition activity, notebooks, evaluation scales, the method expert and pre-experimental. As the main conclusion derived from a detailed analysis, the functionality of the strategy as an instrument that favors the formation of the competences-object of analysis that has been considered together with the students at the State University of the South of Manabí. In the same way, perspective lines of the investigative work are derived to give it continuity, in the field of English and its application to the emerging discipline that deals with international business.
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