Teacher-Subject Relationship Model Applying Text Mining
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The study focuses on the relationship between the professional titles of university professors and the subjects assigned to them. The methodology used in the study is based on text mining and frequency analysis of words. A descriptive documentary methodology was employed, using empirical methods and comparative tools. Documents related to the subjects and the profiles of the teachers were collected, and processes of cleaning, vectorization, and similarity were performed on the texts.
The results obtained showed a significant correlation between the teaching profile and the contents of the subjects. An average correlation of 80% was found between the professors and the contents of the subjects in the Information Systems program. The same analysis was conducted for the professors in the Information Technology program, and an average correlation of 82% was found. Additionally, the correlation was analyzed in greater detail for specific teachers and subjects, revealing high levels of correlation, with percentages ranging from 82% to 88%.
The study utilized techniques such as word2Vec and cosine similarity to calculate the proximity between words and related concepts. The results support the importance of using text mining methods to analyze and understand the relationship between professors and subjects, providing a solid foundation for continuous improvement in educational management in the field of information technology. The study highlights the importance of implementing a decision-making culture based on the data generated in universities.
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