Pedagogical approach: gamification from a comparative perspective with learning theories

Main Article Content

Carlos Luis Sánchez-Pacheco
Ernesto Samuel García-Balladares
Isabel Alexandra Ajila-Méndez


The present article tries to study gamification as a fifth theory of learning when making a comparison from the behavioral, cognitivist, constructivist and connectivist approaches throughout each element of the learning process. As the real value of the theories can only be judged by the following effects, mainly based on the response to the contemporary problems and challenges of society, the social, cultural, economic and technological environment should not be underestimated and should be taken into account from the beginning. The goal is to constitute a new finding, such as gamification as a theory of learning that is a completely new interpretation. The first part of the article explains social and cultural trends, which could be better addressed by applying the theory of gamification in education than with the previous concepts. The second seeks to increase the gamification between learning theories, and the third makes suggestions to launch more research based on the new perspectives and frame some possible ways for future application.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, C., García, E., & Ajila, I. (2020). Pedagogical approach: gamification from a comparative perspective with learning theories. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(4), 47-55.
Author Biographies

Carlos Luis Sánchez-Pacheco, Sociedad de Investigación Pedagógica Innovar - Ecuador

Doctorate in Education, Master in Computer Education. Doctor Honoris Causa in Education. Research professor in the area of educational gamification. Teaching of courses, conferences and seminars in national and international congresses. Fiscal teacher in the Educational Unit Nueve de Octubre.

Ernesto Samuel García-Balladares, Sociedad de Investigación Pedagógica Innovar - Ecuador

Doctorate in education, Master in Curricular Design, Bachelor of Education Sciences mention History and Geography, Bachelor of Education Sciences mention Basic Education, Professor of Primary Education - Higher Technical Level, speaker in scientific articles in conferences promoted by the Society of Innovative Pedagogical Research - SIPI, teacher for more than 25 years in the teaching profession of Ecuador.

Isabel Alexandra Ajila-Méndez, Sociedad de Investigación Pedagógica Innovar - Ecuador

Doctorate in education,
Master in Open Education,
Master in Design and Evaluation of Educational Models,
Teaching courses,
Pedagogical advisor,
Academic coordinator


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