Intervention of the Social Worker in the Resilience of Elderly of the Matilde Huerta Centeno Geriatric Center

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Leticia Alejandra Demera-Mero
Ligia Estela Loor-Lino


Social Worker’s intervention is essential to guarantee the social well-being of individuals, based on this the professional must be highly trained, especially in resilience issues, in this case, of older adults to provide better assistance in the face of events that happen in return to old age For this reason, the research purpose was to analyze the intervention of the Social Worker in the resilience of elderly people at the Matilde Huerta Centeno Geriatric Center, located in the Blanco Rural Community, Charapotó Parish, Sucre Canton, Manabí Province, Ecuador. The methodology used was the field design, at a descriptive level, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, applying the bibliographic, analytical, inductive-deductive, and statistical method; The techniques used were the survey applied to 30 elderly people who attend the Geriatric Center and an interview directed to the Social Worker who works in it. The main results reveal that 83% of e lderly people do believe that the actions on resilience carried out by the Social Worker have helped them when they have had to face stressful situations and adapt to changes; given that, in 77%, this professional promotes resilience in this age group. In conclusion, the intervention of a Social Work professional is essential to strengthen the resilience process of adapting well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, or significant sources of tension in older adults. 


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How to Cite
Demera-Mero , L. ., & Loor-Lino , L. . (2023). Intervention of the Social Worker in the Resilience of Elderly of the Matilde Huerta Centeno Geriatric Center . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 508-520.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Leticia Alejandra Demera-Mero , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Leticia Demera, Graduated in the Social Work Career from the Manabí Technical University, which allowed to obtain both theoretical and practical knowledge, thus instilling the profession through wisdom and dedication, in terms of the professional it allowed to know facts that demonstrate reality in society and becomes a professional and life experience. 

Ligia Estela Loor-Lino , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Graduate and Master in Social Work, professor of the Social Work career at the Technical University of Manabí. Part of the UTM research group on the topic Psychosocial strategies for care for women victims of gender violence and author of the book with the same name. Part of the REIR Research Network. Support for the coordination of follow-up to graduates. 


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