Community Leadership and Organizational Management of the Los Sauces Neighborhood of the Canton Santa Elena Period 2022-2023
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The community leadership and organizational management of the Los Sauces neighborhood of the Santa Elena canton, period 2022-2023, is based on the premise that most Latin American cities grow in a disorganized manner, especially in marginal urban sectors, increasing social problems, disorder, insecurity, poverty among other difficulties such as the lack of basic services and infrastructure work that must be provided by local governments, a situation that is repeated in the cities of Ecuador and in the different provinces and cantons, such is the case of the Los Sauces neighborhood of the canton Santa Elena, a situation that could change if there were community leaders who generate organizational management as part of the planning of the sector, a situation that is not possible due to the absence of community leaders or neighborhood leaders who have the technical knowledge and experience, a situation that occurs with very frequently in the different neighborhoods since most of the leaders lack these characteristics and are dedicated to basic activities, generally they go unnoticed, which causes lack of interest and little action in the inhabitants, affecting coexistence and orderly development of the sector in addition to the little interest of the authorities on duty, a background that allows a theoretical analysis of the relationship between community leadership and organizational management, determining the role of the neighborhood leader or leader as the key person who deploys his ability to influence others in order to generate sustained development in time prior to a situational diagnosis of current leadership, through the application of methodology with technical instruments whose results are the basis for decision-making, it is clear that every successful organization is sustained by setting clear objectives as part of planning, achieving a connection and reciprocity between the inhabitants of the neighborhood, a criterion that is based on the paradigm that intertwines the theoretical and the practical that is sustained in the experience and experience of the leaders.
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