The difficulties in using the methodology for skills and competences in university education in accounting sciences

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Paola Guariso Crepaldi


Do the superior education institutions present incongruities among what becomes trained and what shows up as innovations toward the focus of the abilities and competitions, the professor should select their own teaching methodologies breaking the paradigms characteristic of the system with the purpose of strengthening the student to face the labor market, this evidence the necessity to impel the critical and reflexive thought; however we can argue and to ask if the educational one is the sufficiently prepared thing to make it? For it the methodology is important in the development of the actors in the classroom, developing abilities and the competitions like a new horizon like sociable practice will contribute in that the discentes faces from a better way to the labor market.


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How to Cite
Guariso Crepaldi, P. (2017). The difficulties in using the methodology for skills and competences in university education in accounting sciences. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 2(2), 29-37. Retrieved from


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