Microenterprises and Post-Pandemic Local Development in La Libertad Canton, 2023.

Main Article Content

David Santiago Vizuete-Proaño
Freddy Enrique Tigrero-Suárez


This article investigates the role of microenterprises in post-pandemic local development in the La Libertad canton. The main objective is to understand the economic, social, and environmental contributions of these microenterprises and identify effective strategies to promote sustainable local development in the post-pandemic context. A quantitative approach was employed. Using a stratified cluster sampling method, a representative sample of 100 microenterprises was selected, considering dimensions such as sector, size, and geographic location. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire, focusing on demographic information, the impact of the pandemic, and the contribution of microenterprises to local development. The results revealed a balanced gender distribution, with a slightly higher percentage of women. Regarding the impact of the pandemic, challenges such as decreased demand for products and services and difficulties in accessing financing were identified. The role of microenterprises in job creation, boosting the local economy, and improving the quality of life in the community was emphasized. Specific challenges such as lack of financial liquidity and adaptation to health regulations were also identified. These findings highlight the resilience and adaptability of microenterprises in adverse conditions, as well as the need to provide support in key areas such as financial assistance and access to digital tools. In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of microenterprises in post-pandemic local development and advocates for the implementation of strategies that promote their growth and sustainability in the La Libertad canton.  


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How to Cite
Vizuete-Proaño , D. ., & Tigrero-Suárez , F. . (2023). Microenterprises and Post-Pandemic Local Development in La Libertad Canton, 2023 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 226-236. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.5.1996
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

David Santiago Vizuete-Proaño , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

With this investigation, it was possible to verify how the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly affected micro-enterprises in the Canton of La Libertad, manifesting itself in business closures, loss of employment and a decrease in income. These results highlight the urgent need to implement support strategies and recovery measures to mitigate the negative effects on the local business sector. 

Freddy Enrique Tigrero-Suárez , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador


Professor at the Peninsula de Santa Elena State University - Province of Santa Elena. Master in Teaching and Management in Higher Education. 


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