Human Talent Management and the Quality of Service: Case of GAD Canton Santa Elena, 2022
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The purpose of the present investigation is to demonstrate the management and determine if there are deficiencies in the attention to the user by the collaborators of the department of income in the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Canton Santa Elena, through the scientific analysis of the quantitative and qualitative investigation and its tools that allow to identify the strategies and process of the service of its users in the period 2022. For the development of this work, the survey instrument was applied to identify the relationship between human talent management and service quality. he instruments consisted of a total of 14 questions with a Likert scale. In the survey it was possible to show that the management of human talent is significantly related to the quality of the service. In the survey it was possible to show that the management of human talent is significantly related to the quality of the service. Through Spearman's analysis, the value of 316 was obtained, which indicates that there is an acceptable correlation between the management and quality variables in the GAD-M-SE revenue department. This result gives us the guideline to treat various hypotheses about each aspect covered in this research.
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