Identity and Belonging Determining Factors for Present and Future Social Evolution from the Perspective of Complexity

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Jorge Luis Ibarra-López


Our identity and sense of belonging fundamentally determine our social position and status, among many other factors. Without detriment to our enormous adaptive capacity as human beings, some dimensions favour and, in many cases, force us to forge our condition as people and as members of society; those paths guide and constitute an essential component of the course that we will have to travel, in which character and the way we will face it. Social phenomena are multifaceted, and the relationships that occur within them are at the same time multidimensional and specific depending on the perspective, which, although immersed in a context of integrity and intrinsic unity, at the same time point to various manifestations and almost endless possibilities. We will explore the confines of these semantic categories and models that can help us re-learn to observe and re-think the causes and impacts of these social phenomena. 


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How to Cite
Ibarra-López , J. . (2023). Identity and Belonging : Determining Factors for Present and Future Social Evolution from the Perspective of Complexity. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 157-170.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Jorge Luis Ibarra-López , Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin A.C. - México

Researcher and academic. PhD candidate in Complex Thinking and Complexity Sciences. Areas of interest include social phenomena (among others: populism, identity and belonging, post-truth), consciousness and transpersonal psychology.  


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