Analysis of the Implementation of Blockchain to Ensure Public Procurement Procedures

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Aracely Elizabeth Cedeño-Intriago
Paul Fernando Bernal-Barzallo


This research paper addresses the modes and procedures of implementing Blockchain technology to ensure public procurement procedures. Due to the characteristics, advantages and importance in the legal field, the implementation of this digital mechanism faces the challenge of providing public services, in quantity and quality, in an efficient and transparent manner, and often with fewer resources available. Currently, in the National Public Procurement Service (Sercop) there are recruitment processes that have greater number of economic resources allocated, where certain irregularities are usually found, at the stage of awarding suppliers. In this sense, the purpose of this article is to analyze the implementation of Blockchain to ensure public procurement procedures. In this way, the research approach is quantitative; to this end, surveys were carried out with the personnel who work in the Technology Department of the National Public Procurement Service (Sercop). With the implementation of this instrument, it is intended to know the percentage of the current problem of recruitment processes in Ecuador; literature related to the operation of Blockchain technology and its application in global procurement procedures is also reviewed. The aim is to obtain an analysis of the technical, economic, and legal feasibility of the application of Blockchain technology in public procurement procedures in Ecuador.  


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How to Cite
Cedeño-Intriago, A., & Bernal-Barzallo, P. (2023). Analysis of the Implementation of Blockchain to Ensure Public Procurement Procedures . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(5), 329-337.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Aracely Elizabeth Cedeño-Intriago , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador

Computer Systems Engineer. He currently works at the National Public Procurement Service as a Solutions Development Analyst. He has experience developing software and web applications. He has complementary training in Cybersecurity and Information Security. 

Paul Fernando Bernal-Barzallo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador

Former CSIRT Engineer at the Ecuadorian NREN. Specialized in processing & managing IT Security Incidents & Data since 2013. Worked in troubleshooting, optimizing & hardening Linux Servers, networks and Open Source services since early 2000s. In 2002 co-founded and ran a hosting company for ~10 years, providing shared, virtual and dedicated servers/services with LAMP mostly. Pretty much since graduating, been an instructor in OpenSource IT & Cybersecurity areas at continuing education and Masters degree programs. Linux and OpenSource advocate since 1998 and a Programmer since the 80s, starting with Atari BASIC, now mainly PHP/Bash.


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