Diagnosis of Wastewater for Irrigation of Tree Species in Los Tres Bajos de Montecristi
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The present research aimed to diagnose the conditions of wastewater, used for irrigation in tree species in Los Tres Bajos of the Montecristi canton, a study that will determine the potential of the use of wastewater as alternatives, the inhabitants avoid using the water for their plantations in tree species, for fear that they affect their crops and lose the investment made, due to lack of analysis and knowledge of environmental compensation. The quality of wastewater treatment was diagnosed through parameters of a physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis, the quality levels were verified being the organic aggregates: oils and fats (62.86 mg / l), microbiology: fecal coliforms (4529.4 NMP / 100 ml), inorganic nonmetals: total nitrogen (244 mg / l) and ammonium (314.52 mg / l), the average values analyzed are above the permissible levels of Unified Text of Secondary Environmental Legislation (UTSEL) and ministerial agreement 097A annex 1 table 4, evidencing that it is not suitable for use as an irrigation alternative for tree species, 8 species were identified registering 256 forest individuals being the Ceratonia siliqua, L, with the highest record of individuals (70 trees), followed by the Cordia lutea Lam., (60 individuals) and the species Bursera graveolens (Kunth), Sapidas saponaria L., with 40 individuals, while in the diversity analysis it was determined that it has a low diversity (S = 1.79).
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