Language Development as a Strategy to Strengthen Reading and Writing Skills in Children at the Leónidas Macías Cevallos School

Main Article Content

Elsa Margarita Vásquez-Valle
Janeth de Lourdes Delgado-Gonzembach


The present research study was carried out with the objective of diagnosing the processes of teaching literacy in children of the 3rd grade of EGB of the Leónidas Macías Cevallos school of the Cerro Alto site of the Olmedo canton. Therefore, the study was framed in a mixed approach methodology with descriptive design and non-experimental nature, applying documentary review, survey and interview as a data collection technique, these to a sample comprised of 3 teachers and 16 students. that make up the 3rd grade of EGB of the Leónidas Macías Cevallos school, highlighting among the main results obtained that for teachers the reading and writing development of students is a fundamental element within their educational training processes. For this reason, they are committed to planning and executing strategies that lead to the strengthening of students' learning to read and write. In the same way, language is a tool that is present within the teaching-learning processes taught to 3rd grade EGB students from the Leónidas Macías Cevallos school, for which a proposal was designed in order to strengthen literacy. of the students of the Leónidas Macías Cevallos school through language development techniques. 


Article Details

How to Cite
Vásquez-Valle , E. ., & Delgado-Gonzembach, J. de L. . (2023). Language Development as a Strategy to Strengthen Reading and Writing Skills in Children at the Leónidas Macías Cevallos School . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 313-328.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Elsa Margarita Vásquez-Valle , Universidad Técnica De Manabí de Portoviejo - Ecuador

She was born in Santa Ana on December 27, 1972. Graduated in Educational Sciences from 2nd to 7th. 

Master's candidate in Didactics in Basic Education now for term 

At the moment exercising profession in teaching. 

Janeth de Lourdes Delgado-Gonzembach , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Master in Educational Development, Diploma in Educational Leadership, Bachelor in Kindergarten Education and Teacher of the Technical University of Manabí. 


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