Recovery of the agricultural sector portfolio of the Punto Verde Company from 2019 to 2021

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Samuel Alejandro Córdova-Domínguez
Jenny Rocío Aveiga-Delgado


The general objective of the research is: To analyze the recovery of the portfolio of the Punto Verde Company in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. In the 2019 portfolio, it is evident that in the audit reports there is a value of approximately $ 1.5M, in which 60% of sales of the year are in portfolio receivable, given that the credit days are from 90 to 120 days. On the other hand, in 2020, the year in which the Covid-19 pandemic began, it increased to $1.9M, a significant increase to 72% of the receivable portfolio, appearing with it a bad debt portfolio, due to the closure of several businesses due to these factors. For the year 2021, this portfolio remained at $1.9M receivable, because not only did the pandemic contract the economy of this sector, but climate changes aggravated the financial situation of customers who had to delay payments of their accounts receivable from the company. The statistical method used is descriptive correlational in which the correlation coefficient of the variables is defined: portfolio receivable and the years of study 2019 to 2021 in addition to performing the statistical tests for the study hypothesis: The portfolio presents a growing state with respect to the evaluation period.


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How to Cite
Córdova-Domínguez, S., & Aveiga-Delgado, J. (2023). Recovery of the agricultural sector portfolio of the Punto Verde Company from 2019 to 2021. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 358-366.
Author Biographies

Samuel Alejandro Córdova-Domínguez, Universidad Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

General Accountant at Punto Verde S.A. 


Dedicated economist with more than 15 years of experience in accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing activities; tax consultancy (payroll processing, etc.). 


Adviser in the preparation of legal documents such as articles of incorporation, partnership agreements and similar documents for the formation of companies, patents, and copyrights.


Jenny Rocío Aveiga-Delgado, Universidad Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Master’s in business administration from the UEES. 

Master’s in taxation from ESPOL. 

CPA graduated from the Universidad de Guayaquil. 

Senior Manager of Tax Consulting at PwC Ecuador, with experience in the accounting area with more than 14 years in different commercial companies. 

Graduate professor at the Universidad Peninsula de Santa Elena. 


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