Liquidity in Credit Unions in Times of Covid-19. Case: Guayaquil-Ecuador

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Maryury Gisell Merchán-Vásquez
Marlon Vicente Manya-Orellana


The general objective of this study is to determine the indicators that affected the popular and solidary financial system in the city of Guayaquil during the period 2020 to 2022, analyze the measures adopted by cooperative members to face liquidity risk without affecting the income statement; Additionally, it describes the strategies they used in the capture of deposits to deliver them to the public through credit products. Methodology: The method used is a quantitative approach of descriptive type, in which hypothesis testing is carried out through statistical analysis using the database of cooperatives that belong to the popular and solidarity financial sector obtained from the Superintendence of Popular and Solidarity Economy (SEPS) of the years 2020, 2021 and 2022. The study population is twenty-five cooperatives that belong to the popular and solidarity financial sector (SFPS) of the city of Guayaquil to establish the measures used by cooperatives to face their obligations to members during the time of pandemic by COVID-19. Results: The research responds to the hypothesis: The liquidity of savings and credit cooperatives was negatively affected financially by the health emergency due to Covid-19 due to the paralysis of economic activities in the city of Guayaquil. 


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How to Cite
Merchán-Vásquez, M., & Manya-Orellana, M. (2023). Liquidity in Credit Unions in Times of Covid-19. Case: Guayaquil-Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 323-333.
Author Biographies

Maryury Gisell Merchán-Vásquez, Universidad Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Economist graduated from the Universidad de Guayaquil.

 Internal and External Auditor of organizations of the Popular and Solidarity Financial Sector and Non-Financial, qualified by the Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy.

 Advisor to savings and credit cooperatives; Transportation, Production and Housing Cooperatives with 20 years of experience.

Marlon Vicente Manya-Orellana , Universidad Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

PhD in Law and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences FCSH. Higher Polytechnic School of the Coast - ESPOL.

Economist - Higher Polytechnic School of the Coast - ESPOL

MSc. International Relations International University of Andalusia.

Ms. Public Finance and Financial Administration- Institute of Fiscal Studies IEF Madrid Spain.

Former Head of SRI Management Planning and Control.

Former Director of Concessionaire Control Management- Guayaquil Port Authority.

TEACHER- ESPOL -Tax Advisor and Expert


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