Family Abandonment and Emotional State of the Elderly of the Paraíso Neighborhood of Salinas County

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Ángela Rosario Flores-Tomalá 
Sara Nila Yagual-Rivera


The present investigation was carried out with the objective of analyzing family abandonment and its relationship with the emotional state of the elderly in the Paraíso neighborhood of the Salinas canton. With a quantitative approach and a correlational research method, two variables were used: family abandonment and emotional state of the elderly. To measure the level of satisfaction of the elderly, the Likert scale was used in the structured survey (very satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, very dissatisfied), which consisted of questions that allowed obtaining important information about the subject to study. The results revealed a significant correlation between family abandonment and depression in this group of people, suggesting that abandonment is a major stressor that may contribute to the development of emotional disorders in older adults. These findings highlight the importance of strengthening family relationships and fostering an affective and safe environment for older adults, to improve their quality of life and prevent the onset of emotional problems.


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How to Cite
Flores-Tomalá , Ángela ., & Yagual-Rivera, S. . (2023). Family Abandonment and Emotional State of the Elderly of the Paraíso Neighborhood of Salinas County. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 367-379.
Author Biographies

Ángela Rosario Flores-Tomalá , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Graduated by profession, teacher in the area of ​​Basic Higher Education at the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (MINEDUC) 

Sara Nila Yagual-Rivera, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Psychologist by profession, with management functions, Doctorate in Psychology strictly in experimental psychology and Master´s in Therapy with a Systemic approach and Master´s in Educational Management. University Professor with tenured appointment in the Aggregate category. 

Researcher on behavioral, emotional issues. 

Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. 

Love for research. 


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