Integral factors of political marketing. Analysis of social networks

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Jorge Enrique Jordán-Vaca
María Alexandra López-Paredes
Manuel Roberto Soria-Carrillo
Angela Mirela Chasipanta-Nieves


The present investigation was based on the absence of social media marketing strategies by political parties, which has led to the loss of adherents and decreased popularity in future elections. The purpose of the study was to determine the integral factors of the marketing of political parties. The methodological-logical design of it was characterized by being of a mixed approach, since it went through different types of analysis. The investigative scope was descriptive, therefore, influencing factors that favor political actors are described. The study sample was 384 users of social networks older than 18 years with the right to pay. The main result revealed that the audience takes into account the factors of execution plans and type of campaign, from the perspective of creating sources of work and care of the environment. It is concluded that, the social network Instagram has the ability to capture greater adherents, because it allows to connect political figures directly and interactively with a target audience.


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Jordán, J., López, M., Soria, M., & Chasipanta, A. (2020). Integral factors of political marketing. Analysis of social networks. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 5(2), 180-189.


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