Quality in Customer Service in a Movie Theater
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The quality of customer service is the result of the perceptions and expectations of our customers and has a direct impact on the productivity of companies. In a movie theater this premise is even greater since the sector continually innovates in technology. The Quality Index in the service of a movie theater in the municipality of Champotón, Campeche, Mexico was analyzed through the SERVQUAL model, with the objective of diagnosing the current state of quality in the Atlantis cinema service and proposing actions to its improvement. The sample consisted of 222 clients and a service quality index of -0.47 was obtained, which represents a slight gap between the expectation formed by the client and the perception they have of the evaluated company. The dimensions evaluated in 2 questionnaires of 22 items each (expectations and perceptions) were: tangible elements, reliability, responsiveness, security, and empathy. The study confirmed the usefulness of the model by obtaining a high degree of reliability in the results and allowed the identification of the main gaps on which the company must work.
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