Intervention Plan to Eradicate Domestic Violence. CDI los Pequeños Saltarines del Cantón la Libertad-2022

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Iliana Janina Moreno-Loor


Domestic violence is a worldwide phenomenon in which women and children are the most affected. The WHO states that one fifth of the world's women are subjected to violence at some stage of their lives and as a result, there is a high mortality rate of "femicide" and suicide due to intolerance to violence. There are some incidences where women, regardless of their race, religion, or social status, are considered vulnerable to suffer violence and abuse of power in their relationship with their partner. The development of the present investigation is based on ancient societies and current societies, violence is not an indivisible genre since to speak of violence in different spaces is clear since the current society is framed of violent facts that end in symbolic psychological violence or indivisible sexual violence, we have to point out that violence marks the family in its different spaces whether they are political, social or cultural. The research approach is mixed, cross-sectional, non-experimental, with cross-sectional data. 


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How to Cite
Moreno-Loor , I. . (2023). Intervention Plan to Eradicate Domestic Violence. CDI los Pequeños Saltarines del Cantón la Libertad-2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 434-442.
Author Biography

Iliana Janina Moreno-Loor , IESS - Ecuador

I was born on October 29, 1982 my parents baptized me with the name of ILIANA MORENO LOOR I managed to fulfill my dreams of being a professional working 18 years just finished high school,  in INNFA (INSTITUTO DEL NIÑO Y LOA FAM ALIA) as an Educator in 2006 I went to work as the PRINCIPAL MOTHER OF THE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER in 2008 a proposal was generated to work for the MIES7APINA as an Educator CNH working in that position for 4 years in 2013 I worked directly for MIES "MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL INCLUSION" in 2014 I started working as an educator for the MIES "MINISTERIO DE INCLUSICIÓN ECONOMICA Y SOCIAL". SOCIAL " IN 2014 I was offered to work as a Family Accompaniment Technician in the same that I worked 2 years with families of extreme poverty and vulnerability contributing in their and obtaining my degree in Early Childhood Education on October 16, 2016 in the same year I was offered to work for MIES as development and growth, 2016 I went to work as COORDINATOR OF CDI performing the administrative position of the center coordinated activities with the families of children of vulnerability and extreme vulnerability strengthening their integral development in 2022 I was offered to contribute as TECHNICAL COORDINATOR OF CDI and CNH contributing to the communities in the sector of COLONCHE, SANTA. ELENA, LA LIBERTAD with several units in charge to strengthen the development of children, educators and coordinators, 2022 in the month of December I assumed the position of COORDINATOR position in which I currently serve. 


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