Community Participation and Citizen Security in the Neighborhood of 6 de Enero, 2022 Resumen

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Patricia Elizabeth Yagual-Gonzabay
José Luis Andrade-Vilela


Community participation is an issue that seeks to improve social control. In relation to crime, measures have been taken to minimize existing threats by coordinating the population to prevent the risks that may arise in the community. Preventing the occurrence of crimes and offenses, using their own human and material resources to reduce the presence of this problem of insecurity that increasingly plagues today's society. Citizen security in recent years is a necessity since the crime rate has increased exponentially, being necessary the implementation of measures, human and material resources for the prevention of crime in the neighborhood of January 6, Canton La Libertad. The general objective of the research is to analyze the relationship of community participation on citizen security in Barrio 6 de enero. The research methodology has a mixed approach, descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, and non-experimental. 


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How to Cite
Yagual-Gonzabay, P., & Andrade-Vilela , J. . (2023). Community Participation and Citizen Security in the Neighborhood of 6 de Enero, 2022 Resumen . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 380-391.
Author Biographies

Patricia Elizabeth Yagual-Gonzabay , Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Graduate in Organization and Community Development. 

     Author of the research essay Community Participation in the Strengthening of Citizen Security of Ciudadela La Propicia. Social Promoter Gad Municipal La Libertad 

    CNH-MIES Family Educator, Student in the Master's Degree in Social Management and Development with a mention in Local Development 

José Luis Andrade-Vilela

Area responsible for the viii population census and vii housing census - cpv / inec 

  • Responsible for logistics and field operations of the viii population census and vii housing census - cpv / inec
  • Responsible enemdu/inec
  • Zone responsible for continuous agricultural production survey/inec


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