Technological-Prospective Legal Perspectives in Ecuador Based on the Analysis of the Presumption of Innocence in the Application of the Abbreviated procedure.
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The predominance of the presumption of innocence through the application of procedural and administrative mechanisms is guaranteed by the State. Being the expedited abbreviated procedure as a simplified-alternative procedure to avoid the stages of the ordinary trial, the quick solution to criminal conflicts is what applies. Thus, the efficiency and effectiveness of this procedure will depend on technology in the modern era. And for the sake of efficiency, such technology can contribute to correcting anomalies in terms of time and effectiveness, decongesting the judiciary, optimizing procedural principles, and guaranteeing the right not to incriminate oneself, among others enshrined in the Ecuadorian Constitution and in the COIP as the right to due process. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence can help because it is already a reality, which represents a paradigm shift in epistemic terms. Legal science is currently confronted with big data, natural language, argument mining, the codification of criminal laws, legal artificial intelligence, the use of algorithms, technological "legal reasoning"; to legal codes, to notions of legal relevance, to the Boolean search for "key terms" and the use of active machine learning algorithms, but also to 'intelligently spaced training systems' that allow greater interaction between the professional and the machine. The speed of legal decision-making processes is inexorable, which does not necessarily collide with the principles of the jurist who aspires to the perfection of the norm and the implementation of justice.
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