The Short Time Established in the COIP to Exercise the Right to Defense in the Direct Procedure. Analysis Based on the IACHR and the Legislation of Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Chile.

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Cristian Fabricio Calderón-Llanos


This article generates an analysis of the right to defense when applying the Direct Procedure, established in the Organic Integral Criminal Code in its article 640, referring to the limited time that exists in Ecuadorian legislation for the collection and presentation of evidentiary material, from the flagrante delicto hearing to the trial hearing.  the same that contemplates only twenty days which is insufficient, taking into account that three days before the trial hearing the evidence to be used must be announced, others if it is considered Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and the delay of the dispatch of evidence of the requests to the Prosecutor's Office due to the procedural burden that rests in this institution,  It is observed that there is a serious problem in this type of procedure, which leads to the impairment of the right to defense, since this time is further reduced. The methodology applied was of an inductive deductive type that allowed analyzing the characteristics of this procedure and the importance of the right to defense, in addition to the documentary analysis since it resorted to the study of several judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights strictly verifying a short time to exercise an effective defense. Finally, using the comparative method made it possible to carry out a study of the legislation of Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Chile with the Ecuadorian penal norm, which have procedures similar to the direct procedure. 


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How to Cite
Calderón-Llanos, C. (2023). The Short Time Established in the COIP to Exercise the Right to Defense in the Direct Procedure. Analysis Based on the IACHR and the Legislation of Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Chile . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 570-582.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Cristian Fabricio Calderón-Llanos , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Cristian Fabricio Calderón Llanos is a lawyer in free practice of the profession, graduated on February 6, 2008 at the Private Technical University of Loja, dedicated to the criminal area and Professor of the Integral Organic Criminal Code of ISTLA - Santo Domingo. 


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