Criminal Type of Femicide Against the Right to the Administration of Justice in Ecuador

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Keyla Irma Andrade-Torres


According to information collected from the Council of the Judiciary of Ecuador, it was possible to verify the increase in cases of femicide in recent years, where the victims are women of reproductive age, subjected in many cases to a macho society, showing a clear link between unions and early marriages, giving rise to situations of gender violence that can progressively predict a fatal outcome such as femicide. 

According to the Organic Integral Criminal Code (COIP), the crime of Femicide is typified in article 141 and the aggravating factors in article 142, the main objective of this article is to show a limited number of aggravating factors, because it does not take into account the different causes and different types of femicide. 

It should be borne in mind that the increase in aggravating factors to the governing verb of the crime of femicide must be accompanied by preventive protection policies, awareness strategies, programs and coordinated actions with the participation of the State and society, in order to ensure respect for women's rights and disseminate respect for the so-called weaker gender, preventing violence in an articulated and progressive way, as well as the victims of femicide. 


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How to Cite
Andrade-Torres , K. (2023). Criminal Type of Femicide Against the Right to the Administration of Justice in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 673-688.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Keyla Irma Andrade-Torres , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Lawyer in free professional practice, committed to the defense of Justice and resolution of judicial conflicts in the public and private sector, in areas: Civil Procedure, Labor, Tax, Corporate, specialized in Criminal matters. 


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