Citizen Participation and Participatory Budget. Case: Rural Parish GAD of Anconcito, 2022.

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Genaro Nixon Guale-Moreira


Citizen participation and participatory budgeting are fundamental pillars of a solid democracy. By involving citizens in decision-making and resource allocation, transparency, inclusion, and accountability are promoted. This generates greater civic commitment, strengthens trust in institutions, and makes it possible to meet the real needs of the community in an equitable and effective manner. The objective of this research is to verify the relationship that exists between the variables of citizen participation and participatory budgeting, in order to formulate strategies that help to integrate citizen mechanisms that efficiently involve the community in the various public allocations of resources. The research was quantitative in nature with a correlational scope. Based on this approach, the hypothesis test that was applied was Spearman's, since it is adapted from the non-normality of the source data, since they result from a Likert scale. Among the main ones, a direct relationship between the variables was observed, therefore promoting citizen participation through strategies that involve the inhabitants of the parish will contribute to promoting efficient allocations in the participatory budget processes.


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How to Cite
Guale-Moreira, G. (2023). Citizen Participation and Participatory Budget. Case: Rural Parish GAD of Anconcito, 2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 142-158.
Author Biography

Genaro Nixon Guale-Moreira , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Graduated in Organization and Community Development, student of the master's degree in Social Management and Development with a mention in Local Development from the Peninsula State University of Santa Elena. 

I currently work as an Analyst in Provincial Transparency and Fight Against Corruption 2 in the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control of the Provincial Delegation of Santa Elena 


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