Social responsibility of citizen journalism in social networks, University of Guayaquil, 2022

Main Article Content

Eva Noemí Quinde-Moreno
Lilibeth Alexandra Orrala-Soriano


This article is addressed to Ecuadorian society, in a special way, to the community of the University of Guayaquil, a higher level institution that trains professionals, who are the dignity of a country so that they apply social responsibility when communicating to their audiences in the workplace. 

For this, this work was based on the qualitative method supported by field work. Within this framework, a qualitative, conclusive, descriptive, simple random type investigation was applied. The in-depth interview carried out with those familiar with the social responsibility of citizen journalism and the area of ​​communication allow us to collect all the necessary information to ensure that citizens communicate with social responsibility. 

Likewise, surveys were carried out on a large group of the university community that allowed us to know their behaviors when interacting on social networks such as: Tik Tok, Twitter and WhatsApp, which are a participatory process and are called Citizen Journalism, which every day challenges the scenario of freedom of expression and democracy excluding the value of social responsibility. 

Thus, all information must be verified so as not to deteriorate the image of this service, which must have as its purpose the informative contribution to a community so that it knows the external reality to glimpse different optics, citizen thoughts that allow reaching a society in harmony, framed in legal principles and ethical values. 


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How to Cite
Quinde-Moreno , E. ., & Orrala-Soriano , L. (2023). Social responsibility of citizen journalism in social networks, University of Guayaquil, 2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 401-418.
Author Biographies

Eva Noemí Quinde-Moreno , Universidad Estatal de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Graduated in Social Communication Sciences from the University of Guayaquil, with more than 20 years of professional experience in the field of journalism and public official in the administrative area of the University of Guayaquil. 

Lilibeth Alexandra Orrala-Soriano , Universidad Estatal de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Economist with a mention in Business Management specialization and Master in Business Administration from the Escuela Politécnica del Litoral.  


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