Social Word and Domestic Violence at the CDI La Maga de los Sueños, Santa Elena, 2022

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Juana Elena Tinillo-Chasi


Social work is essential in the fight against intrafamily violence, since its focus on human well-being and social justice allows addressing the underlying causes of this type of violence. Social workers can identify and care for victims, provide guidance and support, and promote the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts in homes, contributing to a more just and peaceful society. The objective of this research is to verify the correlation that exists between the two variables, in order to formulate strategies that reduce cases of intrafamily violence in the study population, through efficient management by the social worker. The applied methodology was quantitative with a correlational scope. The population corresponded to the 25 families that are part of the program. Among the main conclusions is that, in the study context, there is an inverse relationship between the approaches of the research variables, that is, as long as there are efficient actions on the part of the social worker, in terms of intrafamily violence, the cases tend to decrease, increasing the well-being of families.  


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How to Cite
Tinillo-Chasi , J. . (2023). Social Word and Domestic Violence at the CDI La Maga de los Sueños, Santa Elena, 2022 . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 50-63.
Author Biography

Juana Elena Tinillo-Chasi , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador / Prefectura de Santa Elena - Ecuador

My name is Juana Elena Tinillo Chasi, I am 48 years old, I did my university studies at the State University of “Peninsula de Santa Elena” and I obtained a degree in Early Childhood Education, I am currently studying a master's degree in SOCIAL MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT WITH A MENTION IN LOCAL DEVELOPMENT, I currently work in the prefecture of Santa Elena, with the position of Child Development Project Coordinator (CDI) 


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