Post-pandemic accounting. The development of accounting through the cloud

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Pedro Alexander Aviles-Almeida
Francisco Javier Rodas-Hidalgo
Simón Bolívar Parrales-Escalante


The Covid-19 arrived in the year 2020 to revolutionize everything in its path, after the pandemic was declared at the beginning of March 2020, there was a lot of uncertainty about what would happen, many of the professionals began to explore new ways of working in the that highlights teleworking or remote work. In this sense, accounting as a science of a social nature adapted to the changes that this new normality marked over the years in which the pandemic worsened. The objective of this research is to know how accounting faced the changes brought about by remote work, which was generated by the confinement in the pandemic, as well as the adaptation to existing technologies and work through the post-pandemic cloud. which is a tool that provides, among other things, the location of financial information on a remote server, and what this means for the security and protection of said data or financial information. Through the documentary methodology, in which a search was carried out in the main academic websites such as Google Scholar. In conclusion, it can be said that the application of the cloud in the development of accounting facilitates working with data in real time with the company and the accounting professional, however there is a vulnerability of the data.


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How to Cite
Aviles-Almeida, P. ., Rodas-Hidalgo , F. ., & Parrales-Escalante , S. . (2023). Post-pandemic accounting. The development of accounting through the cloud. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 726-735.
Author Biographies

Pedro Alexander Aviles-Almeida, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer 

Professor University of Guayaquil 

business advisor 

Master in Higher Education 

Specialist in Social and Educational Projects 

Social Responsibility Consulting 

Francisco Javier Rodas-Hidalgo , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer 

Master in Business Administration 

Doctoral student in Accounting 

Professor University of Guayaquil 

Business advisor in audit 

Experience in Social and Educational  


Simón Bolívar Parrales-Escalante , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Professor University of Guayaquil 

Business Engineer, Bachelor of 

Education Sciences, Master in Business Administration-ESPAE-ESPOL. PhD student in Political Science and Public Administration, University of Murcia - Spain 

Researcher: FCI Project, "Social Responsibility in Food Safety Management of the network of municipal markets in the city of Guayaquil” 


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