Organizational Culture and Social Welfare of the Staff of the Artisan Association Magical Details of the Emperatriz Neighborhood of the Santa Elena County in Ecuador

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Alexandra Maribel González-Pinargote
Margarita Del Rocío Palma-Samaniego


Organizational culture and employee social welfare are fundamental aspects to achieve a healthy and productive organization in the Handicraft Association Detalles Mágicos of the Emperatriz Neighborhood of Santa Elena Canton. The purpose of the study was to determine the link between organizational culture and social welfare, for the design of a management model that benefits the personnel of the Handicraft Association Detalles Mágicos of the Emperatriz Neighborhood of Santa Elena Canton, 2022. The results presented so far suggest that a significant minority of employees experience low social welfare, indicating an urgent need to improve the working and social conditions of the organization. It is important to promote an organizational culture focused on the mental health and emotional well-being of employees, which can significantly improve employee social welfare. Improving organizational culture and employee social welfare is essential to increase job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity, which in turn can lead to better outcomes for the organization. In conclusion, the association should pay attention to both quantitative and qualitative aspects of employee social welfare and involve employees in the process of improving organizational culture and social welfare.


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How to Cite
Gonzalez-Pinargote, A., & Palma-Samaniego, M. del R. . (2023). Organizational Culture and Social Welfare of the Staff of the Artisan Association Magical Details of the Emperatriz Neighborhood of the Santa Elena County in Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 107-117.
Author Biographies

Alexandra Maribel González-Pinargote , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

 Data entry: Petroindustrial, La Libertad Refinery. (1995/05/01 to 1996/10/31) 

 Typing Company Eng. Jorge Rodríguez Barcia (1996/11/01 to 1997/10/30) 

 Typewriter: Best Supply Techn Company (1997/10/31 to 2000/01/31) 

 Typewriter Company Gunter Probst Otto (2000/02/01 to 2002/03/31) 

 Typewriter Jorge Guerrón (20026/04/01 to 2003/04/30) 

 Typewriter Edmundo Gómez Company (2003/05/01 to 2004/05/31) 

 In charge of the Material Dispatch Area – La Libertad Refinery through outsourcing companies: Energypro Company (2004/06/01 to 2006/04/07) 

 Administrative Assistant – Vice-prefectural Unit in the Decentralized Autonomous Provincial Government of Santa Elena (2014 to 2020). 

 Analyst – General Services Unit in the Decentralized Autonomous Provincial Government of Santa Elena (2020 to 2022). 

 Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Salinas Spondylus 

 Analyst – Vice-prefectural Unit in the Provincial Decentralized Autonomous Government of Santa Elena (2022 to 2023). 

 President of the Electoral Tribunal of the 28 de Mayo neighborhood 

Margarita Del Rocío Palma-Samaniego, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador / Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE - Ecuador

  • My name is Margarita Palma Samaniego, MBA, Computer Statistics Engineer by profession, I have a Master's Degree in Business Administration, both studies completed at ESPOL. Currently studying a PhD in Statistics at the National University of Rosario. My professional experience began in 2003 holding positions in market research consultancies, and since 2012 my teaching experience to date. Working as a teacher in the area of ​​mathematics, teaching statistics and mathematics. 
  • In the course of my work experience I have participated in scientific events contributing to the development of the research of the institution and the country, making scientific publications in magazines of recognized national and international prestige. 


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