La concepción de la interdisciplinariedad de los profesores de formación docente y su impacto en la práctica pedagógica

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Zilma Dos Santos


In the historical current moment, the interdisciplinariedad is summoned to contribute in the solution of problems in all the social spheres, mainly in the educational one. In Brazil, starting from the final decades of the XX century, the thematic one comes being incorporate to the school pedagogy, being in the growing proliferation of projects, mistakenly, labelled with the word ‘interdisciplinar’ in the whole educational net, banalizando, this way, their content before the necessary profundización to their understanding, transforming the interdisciplinariedad into a simple order word. That observation, opens space to the formulation of the following work hypothesis: to nonexistence of the referencial interdisciplinar in the professor’s of educational formation formation. This, certainly averaged in the vision to discipline, nested, without the understanding of the relationships that you/they interconnect the definitions. This way, the investigation the one that refers to the present work, concentrates on knowing ‘the concept of the professors’ of educational formation interdisciplinariedad and their impact in the pedagogic practice’ and it will be developed next to the professors of educational formation, in half level, in an institution of teaching of the public net, the State School Edmundo Silva, located in the city of Araruama, State of Rio de Janeiro, only center of professors’ of the Municipality formation. With effect, it is hoped to contribute in the formation of a new educator type, capable of redimensionar the construction of the knowledge by the light of the relationships disciplinares. The investigation takes it forms starting from the bibliographical pertinent revision to the thematic interdisciplinar, of the open interviews and guided to the educational body of the referred teaching institution, of the approaches epistemológicas required to the theoretical basics, as well as of the pedagogic concepts that, throughout the time they are manifested in the Brazilian education, of the considerations in this respect of the school (habitus) culture and of the formation educational interdisciplinar in front of the contemporary transformations, concluding with the analysis of the collected material, source for the formulation of the final considerations.


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How to Cite
Dos Santos, Z. (2017). La concepción de la interdisciplinariedad de los profesores de formación docente y su impacto en la práctica pedagógica. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 2(2), 20-28. Retrieved from


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