A System for the Detection of Pests in Crops
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The present investigation proposes the construction of a web application destined to the detection of pests, in its first phase the detection of the whitefly plague has been proposed, one of the most recurrent in the Manabí crops, mainly affecting the cultivation of plants such as tomato, pepper, cabbage and cucurbits such as pumpkin, cucumber and leafy vegetables such as lettuce or parsley. This project seeks to become a crop monitoring agent, acting automatically and effectively in the detection of pests through image processing, for which various algorithms supported by the ImageAI library were developed, with which it was possible to create, train and test a detection model. Regarding the operation of the web application, the user will be able to create an account and once logged in will be able to access the capture module, where they will be able to take or upload a photo for their respective analysis.
This research is based on the bibliographic and analytical method, in addition the information is from reliable sources, such as: IEEE, Dialnet, ACM, Google Scholar, Institutional Repositories. For the development of the web application, the Python programming language was used for the Backend and technologies such as HTML, W3Css and JavaScript for the Frontend. Subsequently, MySQL was used to create the database.
The framework used for the development of the application was Scrum, due to the versatility of its methodology. Finally, as a result of this project, the first version of functional software is obtained, with aspirations to improve in future versions.
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