Solidarity value and leadership in adults of the Galápagos Neighborhood of Santa Elena Canton, 2023.

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Charles Geovanni Borbor-Burgos
Mario Wilfrido Urgilés-Pineda


This study has explored the relationship between solidarity value and leadership in the Galápagos Neighborhood community of Santa Elena Canton, Ecuador. The results show that 54% of adults in the community have a high level of solidarity value, while 59% have a moderate level of leadership. Additionally, a weak positive correlation has been found between solidarity value and leadership, with a correlation coefficient of 0.256 and a bilateral significance value of 0.010. The regression model has indicated that solidarity value explains 6.5% of the variation in leadership. The findings suggest that although collaboration and mutual aid are important in the community, they do not guarantee that community members have effective leadership skills. It is also important to provide opportunities for the development of effective leadership skills and to address barriers that may be limiting leadership capacity and solidarity value in the community. In summary, these results provide an initial understanding of the relationship between solidarity value and leadership in the Galápagos Neighborhood community of Santa Elena Canton, Ecuador, and may be useful for the development of interventions and programs that promote collaboration, mutual aid, solidarity value, and effective leadership in the community.


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How to Cite
Borbor-Burgos, G., & Urgilés-Pineda , M. . (2023). Solidarity value and leadership in adults of the Galápagos Neighborhood of Santa Elena Canton, 2023. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 64-75.
Author Biographies

Charles Geovanni Borbor-Burgos , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

  • Degree in Organization and Community Development 
  • Clerk and User Service in customer service of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security 

Mario Wilfrido Urgilés-Pineda , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

  • Administrative assistant in the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Guayaquil (since 2015, to the present). 
  • Guest lecturer at the International University for the Integration of Latin America (Ecuador). 
  • Master in Public Management from the César Vallejo University, Peru. 
  • PhD (c), in Governance and Public Management from the César Vallejo University. 
  • Senior Specialist in Public Procurement, from the Simón Bolívar Andean University - Ecuador headquarters. 
  • Research professor at the Santa Elena Peninsula State University (UPSE). 


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