Academic Trajectory of the Higher Education Student A Proposal Based on the Design of a Functional Diagram

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Luis Gabriel Lescano-Paredes
Juan Gabriel Ballesteros-López
Leonardo Danilo Arroba-Muñoz
Orlando Vladimir Miranda-Reyes


The objective of the work was to create a functional diagram for the academic career of students at technological institutes of Ecuador. The method used was based on the Deming cycle, which is based on the processes of planning, doing, reviewing, and acting. The participants of the study were students of a higher education institution in Ecuador. In this analysis, the process is considered as a series of successive logical operations that can justify the execution of an objective established by a vertical analysis. In the same way, through a horizontal study, it is possible to develop a procedure that considers the resources that move within the process. For the present research, there are three possible scenarios: the real, the ideal and the functional, which consist of the use of typical symbols of a process with formats to develop flowcharts. Among these diagrams, we selected processes, decision-making processes, sub-processes, start/finish processes, and documents to design the total number of hours that students must stay in the facility. This resulted in an estimated functional time of 5,541 hours, considering that there are modalities such as dissertations and complex exams within the completion processes. In addition, there are also extension times to complete the degree. 


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How to Cite
Lescano-Paredes, L. ., Ballesteros-López, J. ., Arroba-Muñoz, L., & Miranda-Reyes, O. . (2023). Academic Trajectory of the Higher Education Student: A Proposal Based on the Design of a Functional Diagram. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 282-291.
Author Biographies

Luis Gabriel Lescano-Paredes, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Luis Gabriel Lescano Paredes, Food Engineer, Master in Cleaner Production, 11 years of teaching experience and 13 in the area of Integrated Management Systems ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001 -2015 and ISO 45001-2018, Professor of the subjects of Mathematical Analysis, Chemistry, Physics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Microbiology and
Environmental Impact, author of indexed publications, research professor.

Juan Gabriel Ballesteros-López, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Juan Gabriel Ballesteros López, Execution Engineer in Automotive
Mechanics, Master in Industrial Safety Mention in Risk Prevention and
Occupational Health, 12 years of teaching experience and 16 in the Automotive branch. Professor of the subjects of Engine Repair, Diesel Injection Systems and Workshop Administration, author of indexed publications, registered researcher and accredited by Senescyt.

Leonardo Danilo Arroba-Muñoz, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Leonardo Danilo Arroba Muñoz, Automotive Engineer, Graduated from a
master’s in business administration and management, 10 years of teaching experience in technical-technological education, 5 years of professional experience in the automotive field, professor of subjects such as Autotronics, Automotive Electricity, Electrical Engineering automotive, metrology, vehicle technical control. Author of research articles.

Orlando Vladimir Miranda-Reyes, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Orlando Vladimir Miranda Reyes, Higher Education Teacher with 8 years of experience, Automotive Engineer, Graduate of the Master's Degree in Pedagogy with a mention in Technical and Technological Education, Professor of Autotronics subjects, Gasoline Injection Systems, author of indexed publications, registered and accredited researcher by Senescyt


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