Analysis of the Prospective Model to Estimate the Economic Viability of Remote Management Technology in Public Lighting

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Galo Marcelo Tapia-Estrella
Carlos Ramiro Corrales-Tapia
Gabriel Alejandro Vaca-Ortega


This article presents the results of a possible migration to LED lamps with remote management technology in public lighting in the province of Cotopaxi, for which the ELEPCO S.A. database is used. where the luminaires installed in the province are recorded, said database is updated annually, and having data from previous years, it is possible to apply the Holt-Winters model to estimate future energy consumption since public lighting is constantly growing Once short, medium and long-term consumption has been estimated, remote management migration projects are proposed and their impact is economically evaluated, deducing whether or not it is monetarily viable. The findings of the savings metrics obtained identified an improvement when migrating to LED technology, in addition to remote management to generate added value. In this sense, by replacing consumption with LED technology and remote management, a saving of 27.46% to 33.08% would be obtained, 18.25% more than with only migration to LED technology. It was concluded that the investment exceeds the savings during the life of the equipment. 


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How to Cite
Tapia-Estrella, G. ., Corrales-Tapia, C. ., & Vaca-Ortega , G. . (2023). Analysis of the Prospective Model to Estimate the Economic Viability of Remote Management Technology in Public Lighting . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 257-271.
Author Biographies

Galo Marcelo Tapia-Estrella, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Mechatronic engineer with a master's degree in electricity, mention in electrical power systems, with experience in maintenance of generation systems in hydroelectric generation plants and low and medium voltage networks, experience in design of machine elements and operation of flexible CNC manufacturing systems , research professor at the Tungurahua Higher Technological Institute in the electricity

Carlos Ramiro Corrales-Tapia, Instituto Superior Tungurahua - Ecuador

Electromechanical Engineer with a specialty in Electrical Power Systems,
dedicated to teaching and research with an emphasis on the development of sustainable energy. Currently I work as a research professor at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua in the city of Ambato, as well as an electrical risk prevention examinerand trainer in the electrical area.

Gabriel Alejandro Vaca-Ortega , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador

Gabriel Alejandro Vaca Ortega was born in Ambato, Tungurahua, Ecuador in 1988. He received the Electronics Engineering from Universidad Técnica de Ambato, in 2012 and the Master's Degree in Systems Management from Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE in 2018. He has been coordinator and teacher in the Electricity career at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua.


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