Behavior and Quality of Corn (Zea Mays) Grains Stored in Barns Constructed with Different Materials

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Teresa Viviana Moreira-Vera
Tanya Beatriz Bravo-Mero
Olga Lilian Mendoza-Talledo
Telly Yarita Macías-Zambrano


Maize is the oldest known food grain in the world; it is the only cultivated species of this genus that constitutes a very nutritious and accessible food for people, however, one of the conditions for its prolonged conservation is storage at temperatures between 20-24◦C maximum. 

The study describes the behavior of temperature and humidity in the conservation of corn grains stored in barns with materials from the environment, in the Mapasingue community of Ecuador; two experimental models were designed that simulated two barns with different materials, one for control and the other for treatment, using a sample of 1000 grains collected for six weeks, temperature and humidity were measured in each prototype, starting with a temperature of 23◦C and humidity of 15% in treatment and control, the duration of the trial was 45 days. In the case of the treatment, the mean showed minimum and maximum values of 12 and 13% humidity respectively; temperature remaining constant throughout the storage period in the experiment.  

The moisture percentages of the treatment were lower than those of the control; the difference between the damaged grains of the treatment and the control was 9.6%, taking as a sample 46 kilograms of corn in the treatment, the treatment being profitable, and from the total of damaged grains the cost of the same was determined, the value of which was US$4.81. The importance of pretreatment of grains before storage in barns made of wood and metal is concluded. 


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How to Cite
Moreira-Vera , T. ., Bravo-Mero , T. ., Mendoza-Talledo , O. ., & Macías-Zambrano, T. . (2023). Behavior and Quality of Corn (Zea Mays) Grains Stored in Barns Constructed with Different Materials . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(4), 202-214.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Teresa Viviana Moreira-Vera , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Research professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the Universidad Técnica de Manabí; Vice-Dean of Students of the Faculty. Author of several publications such as scientific articles, book chapters, books, papers in national and international scientific events. 

Tanya Beatriz Bravo-Mero , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Research professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the Technical University of Manabí; responsible for the link with society of the Faculty. Author of several publications such as scientific articles, book chapters, papers in national and international scientific events. 

Olga Lilian Mendoza-Talledo , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Research professor at the Institute of Basic Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí. Author of several publications such as scientific articles, book chapters, papers in national and international scientific events. 

Telly Yarita Macías-Zambrano, Universidad de Palermo - Argentina

Research professor, postgraduate facilitator. Doctoral candidate in Higher Education at the University of Palermo. Training coordinator of the International Research and Training Center CIICEP. Author of several publications such as scientific articles, book chapters, books, papers in national and international scientific events. 


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