The Expedited Procedure for Criminal Offenses and their Limited Time for Of Evidentiary Announcement

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Sergio Javier Zurita-Navarrete


The present investigation analyzes the lack of a prudent time to obtain the necessary means of proof within the expedited procedure, which is also known as the obligation to announce the burden of proof in the respective procedure of criminal violations, the existence of such a short time can impact the evidence as one of the most important instruments for the development of the criminal process,  since it has a specific objective which is to demonstrate a reality and direct a person to the conviction of a particular fact that needs to be demonstrated. 

Likewise, this situation can ignore the procedural activity of the defense, which guarantees people to have the tools to prepare their arguments in the trial and thus grant the judge that persuasion of the disputed facts. 

The procedure of criminal contraventions does not take place under the parameters of the right to defense, which determines that the parties to the proceedings must have adequate time and means to prepare the defense and clearly transmit to the judge the reality of the facts. As a result of the investigation carried out, it is determined that the three-day time contemplated by the legislator in the expedited procedure for criminal offences violates the right to defense by preventing the parties to the proceedings from having all the evidence to assert their claims before the judge. 


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How to Cite
Zurita-Navarrete, S. (2023). The Expedited Procedure for Criminal Offenses and their Limited Time for Of Evidentiary Announcement . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 623-638.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biography

Sergio Javier Zurita-Navarrete , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

I, Sergio Javier Zurita Navarrete, 25 years old, was born in the Canton Cevallos, Province of Tungurahua, Country Ecuador, on April 9, 1997, Mother Transit Ursulina Navarrete Núñez, Profession Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic, Graduated from the Master's Degree in Criminal Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, with an exemplary career, expert in oral argument, case investigation, legal advice, demonstrable experience in arbitration, legal, executive, individual and collective conflicts. I was characterized by my legal, ethical, humanistic training, good ease of speech to assist natural and legal persons in the defense of their constitutional and legal rights, thus seeking the best solutions for the client. 


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