Open government. An approach from the New Public Management

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Doris Susana Sánchez-Sánchez
Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano


The main orientation of this article is to reflect on the contributions of the New Public Management to the success of an open government, accompanied by two guidelines that seek to sustain the purpose of the research, such as identifying the principles of the New Public Management that contribute to the open government discourse and interpreting the narrative on open government from an investigative position. Its methodological route is raised from a phenomenological perspective with a qualitative approach and inductive dimension, with a descriptive and documentary level, in addition to being a field and non-experimental research; as a data analysis strategy, the one proposed by the grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin) was used; from the interpretative phase, the hermeneutic method was applied to understand and understand the discourse of key informants, in this case being experienced researchers, who narrated their empirical and scientific experiences on the issues of open government and on the dogmas of the New Public Management, this thanks to the so-called in-depth interview. The research found among its substantive findings the possibility of a central category that includes all the substantive concepts of the research, being called this category: Open Government: A new paradigm of public management. This proposal of good practice allows the public institutions of the Province of Manabí to find principles of citizen participation and transparency focused from the perspective of institutional governance.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Sánchez, S., & Mantuano-Zambrano , Y. (2023). Open government. An approach from the New Public Management. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 52-67.
Author Biographies

Doris Susana Sánchez-Sánchez, Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social - Ecuador

Third Level Title: Economist; She has held positions in the GAD of Arajuno-Pastaza province, as General Accountant, Zonal Coordination 2 of Education-Responsible for Planning; Phytosanitary and Animal Health Regulation and Control Agency-Agrocalidad Pastaza-Head of Financial Administration and in private institutions such as: Insotec-Ärea Financiera and at Edigaralde Publishing House in the Financial Department. 

Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano , Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic of Ecuador. 

Private University "San Gregorio de Portoviejo". 

Doctorate PHD in Management Line of research in management and organizational development Universidad Yacambu Venezuela. 

Institutional Development. 

Master in Civil Law and Civil Procedure 

Teacher/Tutor of the Master's Degree in Public Administration at the Catholic University of Ecuador, Manabí. 


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