Citizen Participation as an Instrument of Transparency in Public Procurement Processes From the Proposal of Institutional Governance

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Henry Xavier Saltos-Navarrete
Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano


The purpose of the research was to interpret the principle of citizen participation as an instrument of transparency in public procurement processes from a proposal of institutional governance, whose sample (unit of study) was specifically given E.P CNT, located in the Province of Manabí. It is shown with a phenomenological-interpretative approach, with a qualitative, descriptive methodological design, with a documentary review strategy based on the genesis of each theory reviewed; with a naturalistic intervention (field) by researchers, in addition to direct observation and in-depth interviews as ideal instruments for collecting information. The interview was applied to researchers of recognized trajectory, using the modality of in depth (semi structured), assuming in turn the proposal given by the Grounded Theory as an analysis strategy, initially conducted by the method of constant comparison and the triangulation of the information collected with the criteria of the researchers responsible for this work,  whose complement is given with that of the hermeneutic method whose intention has been to understand, understand and interpret the context and the intervention of variables such as citizen participation and governance in public procurement processes in order to obtain greater transparency in the management of the CNT P.E; in the process of categorization, a central category called Transparent public procurement from good governance is born, this is shown as a good practice for public procurement processes in similar companies in a global context.


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How to Cite
Saltos-Navarrete, H., & Mantuano-Zambrano , Y. . (2023). Citizen Participation as an Instrument of Transparency in Public Procurement Processes From the Proposal of Institutional Governance . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 68-86.
Author Biographies

Henry Xavier Saltos-Navarrete , Pontificia Universidad Católica del EcuadorPontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador Sede Manabí

Business Engineer graduated from the Technical University of Manabí, 

Student of the Master's Degree in Public Administration at the Catholic University of Ecuador, Manabí campus. 

Head Technician rg4 (Manabí). 

General Secretary of the CNT Workers 

Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano , Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic of Ecuador. 

Private University "San Gregorio de Portoviejo". 

Doctorate PHD in Management Line of research in management and organizational development Universidad Yacambu Venezuela. 

Institutional Development. 

Master in Civil Law and Civil Procedure 

Teacher/Tutor of the Master's Degree in Public Administration at the Catholic University of Ecuador, Manabí. 


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