Accounting expertise and tax investigation for money laundering in Peru
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Objective: Determine the relationship of the accounting expertise with the tax investigation for money laundering in Peru.
Method: The research was applied, non-experimental, quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 63 legal professionals (34 accounting experts and 29 prosecutors (deputy and head)). The technical collection procedure was the survey, with the questionnaire as an instrument. The analysis was developed through descriptive and bivariate analysis, using Spearman's Correlation test.
Results: It was evidenced that the accounting expertise has a significant relationship with the tax investigation for money laundering (rho=0.824; p=0.000). In addition, the dimensions identification of economic facts to obtain value judgments (rho=0.617; p=0.000), control over the content of the expert report (rho=0.704; p=0.000) and the valuation of the accounting expert report (rho =0.682; p=0.000) are significantly related to the tax investigation for money laundering. However, the planning of the accounting expert act procedure (rho=0.221; p=0.082) is not significantly related to the tax investigation for money laundering.
Conclusion: The accounting expertise has a strong and positive significant relationship with money laundering investigations in Peru.
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