Management model of sports institutions, comparative study of the clubs that make up the FIFA world ranking in the first half of 2022
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This research focuses on the management models of the sports institutions of the clubs that make up the FIFA world ranking for the first half of 2022; Its objective is to know the management models of the clubs where the main strategies used to achieve maximum development over time and remain as the best teams worldwide are identified. This study has a descriptive - exploratory type of research which focuses on a comparative analysis that allows a comparative study to be carried out and to determine if the teams are using the same techniques and are those that have the best results for local clubs to become icons based on the application of a correct management model. The results obtained were tables where the development of the clubs is reflected before and after the application of the management models where the enormous improvements achieved in terms of tournaments won and economic profits are reflected, as well as growth as clubs. Finally, it is concluded that an effective strategy is the implementation of a management model for each club which allows the activities of the clubs to be carried out clearly and the goals set can be achieved.
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