Smart governance from the perspectives of open government Case: Council of the Judiciary of the Province of Manabí
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The purpose of the research has been to interpret smart governance from an open government perspective, taking into consideration as a case study the Judiciary of the Province of Manabí, in addition to the specific guidelines: Identify the components of governance that make it viable in public management; understand the conceptual aspects of smart governance that support open government and contextualize smart governance as an instrument for open government; The design of the research is phenomenological-interpretative with a qualitative approach, its dimension is inductive, with a descriptive level, a non-experimental naturalistic research, as a strategy the documentary review was applied to know theoretical positions, in addition to what was commented by the key informants; as a strategy of analysis, the premise proposed by the Grounded Theory was proposed, obtaining both substantive and axial codes, substantive concepts until reaching the central category; as well as the use of the hermeneutic method to facilitate the interpretative process of the discourse narrated by the interviewees -expert researchers- given in an in-depth interview (semi-structured). The main resulting finding is shown as a central category called Disruptive governance as a public value, presented as a proposal for good practice for public administration, especially for the Council of the Judiciary of the Province of Manabí. Among the main reflections is the opportunity to incorporate governance as a strategy for transparency and citizen participation, thanks to the approach proposed from the concept of open government.
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