Correlation of lower incisor inclination with skeletal pattern and facial in adult individuals

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Elvia Cecilia Minchala-Buri
Miriam Verónica Lima-Illescas


The position of the lower incisors is considered extremely important when planning an orthodontic treatment because it influences facial aesthetics and the optimal development of orthodontic treatment. It can also be related to factors such as skeletal pattern, facial, periodontal health, and perioral musculature. The objective was to evaluate the correlation of the inclination of the lower incisor with the facial and skeletal pattern in adults. Two hundred seventy-six digital lateral cephalic radiographs of the skull of individuals from 18 to 50 years of age who attended a radiographic center in the city of Quito, Ecuador, during the first period of 2019 were measured. The research carried out was observational, correlational, documentary, and cross-sectional. The variables to be evaluated were: facial pattern, skeletal pattern, and inclination of the lower incisor. In the inclination of the lower incisor concerning the facial pattern in brachifacials, an average of 97,01 was obtained. While for the mesofacials the average was 94.23˚, while the dolichofacials presented an average of 91,41˚.

Regarding the inclination of the lower incisor and the skeletal pattern, an average of 96.61˚ was found in Class II, followed by Class I, with an average of 92,17˚, and finally, Class III, with 87.04. There was a significant difference between the inclination of the lower incisor about the facial (inverse and negative). That is, the greater the facial pattern, the lesser the inclination of the lower incisor.


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How to Cite
Minchala-Buri, E., & Lima-Illescas , M. . (2023). Correlation of lower incisor inclination with skeletal pattern and facial in adult individuals. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 900-909.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Elvia Cecilia Minchala-Buri , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Doctor of Dentistry from the University of Cuenca. Graduate student of orthodontics at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues campus. Assistant to the first course in basic orthodontics in dental courses, Ecuador. Postgraduate Diploma in Fixed Prosthetics at the University of Chile. 

Miriam Verónica Lima-Illescas , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Dentistry, Specialist in Orthodontics, Doctor in Stomatological Sciences at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, undergraduate and graduate university professor at the Catholic University of Cuenca-Ecuador. 


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