The tax culture and its impact on compliance with tax obligations of the fishing sector in the Manta canton, Manabí, Ecuador, 2020
Main Article Content
The importance of this study lies in recognizing the tax culture as a promoter of education regarding tax compliance issues, due to the bad tax actions by taxpayers in this industry. The purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of the tax culture on compliance with tax obligations of the fishing sector of the Manta canton. The methodology used has a mixed or quantitative-qualitative approach, where information gathering techniques such as interviews and surveys are applied, the scope was descriptive because the reality of the situation in the Manta fishing sector is described. The companies Seafman S.A. were taken as the object of study. and Pescapeces S.A., considered two prestigious fishing companies in the city and with the highest tariff contribution. The results obtained indicate the relevance of continuing with proposals for tax acculturation in these fishing companies, where the importance of having departments that are in charge of tax management, constant training for company personnel in the face of changes by the administration, is recognized. for proper compliance with tax obligations and considers the situations that put said compliance at risk. The tax culture is the best way to contribute to a society characterized by tax mismanagement and tax evasion, where it is necessary to intensify control and monitoring of large and small fishing industries to ensure correct tax application in their tax procedures.
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