The link between COMEX and the Ecuadorian banking system: a modeling based on profitability

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Lisseth Viviana Chicaiza-Herrera
Erlinda Elisabeth Jiménez-Silva


The export process of broccoli in the province of Cotopaxi has been representative. However, exporting companies face a challenge to reduce expenses and financial costs through factoring and letters of credit to achieve better profitability. For this reason, the objective of the work was to establish an export management model based on the applicability of factoring tools and letters of credit. In addition, the influence of the two tools in the financial area, internal processes, learning and customers is evaluated through a connection analysis. The study participants were four companies represented by their financial managers in the province of Cotopaxi. The results revealed that factoring has a significant impact on the planning of operating resources, which allow it to improve the concentration of products and improve its liquidity conditions. It is concluded that letters of credit have not been widely used, since business representatives may avoid the use of said tool due to ignorance about its applicability. For this reason, the management model explained its behavior through a systematic process.


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How to Cite
Chicaiza-Herrera, L., & Jiménez-Silva, E. . (2023). The link between COMEX and the Ecuadorian banking system: a modeling based on profitability. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 290-305.
Author Biographies

Lisseth Viviana Chicaiza-Herrera, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE sede Latacunga - Ecuador

Graduated with a degree in Finance and Auditing at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, she passed the course: Foundations for Quantitative Risk Management and participated in the Simulation of the first Congress of the United Nations Ecuadorian version as a speaker, and assistant to the I International Congress of International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS.

Erlinda Elisabeth Jiménez-Silva, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE sede Latacunga - Ecuador

Doctor (PhD) in Accounting Sciences from the Universidad de los Andes Venezuela, Engineer in Business Administration from the Technical University of Ambato of Ecuador, Bachelor of Administration from the Technical University of Ambato of Ecuador, Master in Business Management. Mention SMEs by the Polytechnic School of the Army (Today University of the Armed Forces ESPE), Diploma in University Learning Management by the Polytechnic School of the Army (Today University of the Armed Forces ESPE), Diploma in university learning tools by the Technological Institute of Monterrey Mexico. Principal Professor of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE since 1999 in the careers of Commercial Engineering, Finance Engineering, Hotel Engineering and Tourism. Professor of the Master of SMEs of the University of the Armed Forces from 2006 to 2021 in the subject of Finance and Strategic Planning. Tutor - Director of undergraduate and master is theses at the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, Manager and bank official in Ecuador since 1995. Financial advisor to private companies 


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