Evaluation of the volatility of the international price of a barrel of oil and its implication in the financial statements of public entities, case of oil companies, semi-annual periods 2020-2021

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Erika Ximena Chaluisa-Ante
Erlinda Elisabeth Jiménez-Silva


Ecuador is a country whose main export product is oil, which requires efficient economic management in oil companies. However, the limited investment in the production fields was identified, mainly in Petroamazonas EP, which caused the cost of production to be high and does not contribute to the generation of sufficient income for the country. In this way, the objective of the study was to analyze the volatility of the international price of a barrel of oil and its impact on the financial indicators of liquidity, indebtedness, management and profitability of the companies EP Petroecuador and Petroamazonas EP through the analysis of the financial statements of the year 2018. to the year 2021. For this, a quantitative methodology of correlational scope was applied, whose results obtained showed acceptable liquidity indexes, greater financing of own resources, the turnover of accounts receivable is greater than the turnover of accounts payable, and that the Profitability indicators are better in the EP Petroecuador company compared to Petroamazonas EP. In this way, it was concluded that the EP Petroecuador company has shown to maintain an efficient administration in the management of financial indicators, therefore, the merger with the Petroamazonas EP company in 2021 has caused a decrease in them and their profitability has been affected, which has put at a disadvantage the benefits of the company's shareholders.


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How to Cite
Chaluisa-Ante, E. ., & Jiménez-Silva , E. . (2023). Evaluation of the volatility of the international price of a barrel of oil and its implication in the financial statements of public entities, case of oil companies, semi-annual periods 2020-2021. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 955-968. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3.1793
Author Biographies

Erika Ximena Chaluisa-Ante

Ecuadorian by birth, I currently work at the Public EP, PETROECUADOR Company in the Planning Sub-Management, my position is "Business Control Analyst", I have worked at Petroamazonas EP Company with the position accounting analyst and in Public Banking at BAN ECUADOR as a compliance analyst. I consider myself a person who is very capable of meeting the proposed goals in my personal and professional life. 

Erlinda Elisabeth Jiménez-Silva , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE sede Latacunga - Ecuador


Elisabeth Jiménez Silva, Ecuadorian by birth, has more than 20 years of experience in the financial system, she is currently the Agency Manager of Banco Pichincha Ecuador, and has also worked for more than 20 years as an undergraduate and postgraduate teacher at universities in Ecuador. 

His professional titles are: 

PhD in Accounting Sciences from the Universidad de los Andes Venezuela, Master in Business Management Mention SMEs. University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Ecuador, Higher Diploma in Management for University Learning, University of the Armed Forces ESPE Ecuador, 

Pichincha Leader Diploma UTPL Ecuador, University Diploma in Teaching Competencies, Technologic de Monterrey. Mexico, Engineer in Business Administration. Technical University of Ambato Ecuador. 


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