Citizen participation in the formulation of public policies: An approximate meaning from the principles of governance

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José Felix Veliz-Cevallos
Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano


The main purpose of this article has been to interpret the new meaning of citizen participation in the formulation of public policies from the principles of governance; Based on the following specific guidelines: Identify new positions on citizen participation from the discourse of social actors, unveil the principles of governance from the institutional perspective, and contextualize the meaning of public policies based on the context of governance. The research was developed in the Provincial Government of Manabí (Ecuador), being the same the unit of study. The methodological approach has been the interpretative scientific, qualitative perspective, and inductive dimension, with a sampling intention represented by experienced researchers of the topics addressed, in which their experiences are contrasted with what was observed in the same unit of study, in addition to using the method of constant comparison to achieve the corresponding theoretical saturation. On the other hand, the research reached a level of analysis of the findings in an optimal way, thanks to the application of the technique proposed by the so-called Grounded Theory (Strauss and Corbin), in which it was possible to call a central category called Governance of public policies, which can be considered as a contribution to the established line of research; The hermeneutic method contributed in this approach to theorizing on the topics addressed: citizen participation, governance and public policies and their corresponding linkage in the context in which the research was developed, and will be very useful to the unit of study. 


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How to Cite
Veliz-Cevallos , J. ., & Mantuano-Zambrano , Y. . (2023). Citizen participation in the formulation of public policies: An approximate meaning from the principles of governance. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3-1), 5-21.
Author Biographies

José Felix Veliz-Cevallos , Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Grade in Politics and Government with a major in International Relations from the Espiritu Santo University. 12-year experience in public service and activities, holding different management positions, experience in project management and generation of public policies. 

Yandry Felipe Mantuano-Zambrano , Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Lawyer from the San Gregorio private University, public servant with 22 year of service, professor at various universities in Ecuador. Currently studying the final process of Doctorate in Management within the line of research management and organizational development at the University Yacambu from Venezuela. 


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