IT Governance in Private Educational Institutions: Case UEPRIM

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Carlos Manuel Quezada-Centeno
Marcia Maribel Aguirre-Ochoa
Jorge Tulio Carrión-González
Cristian Stalin Sancho-López


The research focuses on the development of Information Technology (IT) Governance in educational institutions, with emphasis on the efficient management of technological resources and processes. The methodology consisted of a bibliographic review of the IEC/ISO 38500 and ITIL V3 standards. It includes a stage of diagnosis of the governance and applicability of the principles and tasks of the IEC/ISO 38500 standard, a second stage of review of the ITIL phases, a third stage of implementation of processes and practices suggested by the standard and the model, and finally continuous improvement. Processes with very low weighting were identified as requiring improvement focus. An example of this is the service operation process in the ITIL process review section, which is essential for the organization to execute and deliver services effectively and efficiently. In the first assessment, this process obtained a GAP analysis of 0.8. After applying the proposed solutions and re-evaluating it, a significant improvement in the process was observed, reaching a 2.5 in the GAP analysis.

By evaluating the governance of the IT management, through the ISO/IEC 38500 standard, it was possible to align the IT department's strategy with the institutional strategy; likewise, by evaluating all the ITIL phases, it was possible to establish the critical points in the services provided by the IT department, which served as a starting point for the continuous improvement process.


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How to Cite
Quezada-Centeno, C. ., Aguirre-Ochoa, M., Carrión-González , J. ., & Sancho-López , C. (2023). IT Governance in Private Educational Institutions: Case UEPRIM . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(3), 608-619.
Author Biographies

Carlos Manuel Quezada-Centeno, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Carlos Manuel Quezada Centeno Master in Computer Science Management, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ambato. Systems Engineer at the University of Machala, Software developer and educational solutions, ECUARED company, Head of IT department at SEDUC Cia Ltda. 

Marcia Maribel Aguirre-Ochoa, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Huaquillas - Ecuador

Marcia Maribel Aguirre Ochoa, PhD student in Education at the Universidad Espíritu Santo, Master in Management and Educational Leadership at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Systems Engineer and Bachelor of Science in Education specializing in Computer Science at the Universidad Técnica de Machala. Rector and teacher of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Huaquillas. 

Jorge Tulio Carrión-González , Universidad Metropolitana - Ecuador

Jorge Tulio Carrión González, PhD student in Economic Sciences mention in Administration from the National University of Cuyo - UNCUYO, Master in Communications Networks from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE, Systems Engineer and Commercial Engineer from the National University of Loja. Professor at Universidad Metropolitana. 

Cristian Stalin Sancho-López , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Huaquillas - Ecuador

Cristian Stalin Sancho López, Master in Telecommunications from the Escuela Politécnica del Litoral and Systems Engineer from the Technical University of Machala. Teacher at the Huaquillas Higher Technological Institute, Liaison Coordinator. 

General Manager of the company +Fiber Home.


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